دانشجویان مالکیت فکری


Associate Professor of Law
BA. LLB (Honors), National Law School of India University, 1994
LL.M, King"s College, University of London, 1995
S.J.D, George Washington University, 2007

Email: sragavan@ou.edu


Srividhya Ragavan joined the law faculty in 2003 to teach intellectual property law, patent law and the law of contracts. Ragavan"s scholarship focuses on the interplay between international trade law and intellectual property issues. Her work emphasizes issues that affect developing nations from embracing the trade regime. Her publications have expounded diverse topics like traditional knowledge, pharmaceutical patenting and agricultural subsidies.

After graduating with a BA. LLB (Honors) from the National Law School of India University in Bangalore, Ragavan received the ODASS Scholarship to pursue her LL.M from King"s College, University of London. Ragavan completed her SJD from the George Washington University Law School. Ragavan was the First Texas Instruments Visiting Scholar at the Center for Advanced Study & Research on Intellectual Property at the University of Washington at Seattle.

Prior to joining the University of Oklahoma, Ragavan served as a faculty at the National Law School of India University in Bangalore. Currently, Ragavan serves as a visiting faculty for the IP program at National Academy for Legal Scholarship & Research in Hyderabad, India.

Before pursuing her teaching interests, Ragavan worked in J. Sagar Associates, a New Delhi based law firm, in-housed as a legal counsel for Wipro Industries and worked as a legal consultant for WorldTel India Limited.


Book Chapters

Of Plant Variety Protection, Agricultural Subsidies and the WTO, Intellectual Property & Information Wealth by Preager Publications.
Available at: http://www.greenwood.com/catalog/C8882.aspx
To Sow or Not to Sow - Dilemmas From Creating New Food Rights, Agricultural Biotechnology and Intellectual Property: Seeds of Change, CABI Publishers.
Available at: http://www.cabi.org/bk_BookDisplay.asp?PID=2003
Protection Of Traditional Knowledge, Indigenous People, The Environment And The Law, Carolina Academic Press, 2004.
Available at: http://www.cap-press.com/books/1218


some articles

India: A Safe Haven For Foreign Investment - A Look At Joint Ventures And Laws That Govern Them, with Leela Guttina, Journal of Licensing Executive Society (2002). (Presented at the Licensing & Executive Soc. Meeting, Chicago, Sep. 2002).

Patent Amendments In India In The Wake Of TRIPS, CASRIP News Letter (Center for Advanced Studies in Intellectual Prop., Univ. of Washington, Seattle) Vol. 8, Issue I, (2001) at 12. (Republished by the Journal Of Intellectual Property Rights, NALSAR, India).

A Patent Restriction On "R & D: Infringers or Innovators, 1 Illinois Journal of Law, Technology & Policy 73 (2004).

Of the Inequals of Uruguay, 274 Marquette Intellectual Property Law Review 10 (2006).


Newspaper Interviews

A US Judgment that is Relevant to the Novartis Case, March 25, 2007.

Three Scenarios that are Latent in the Patent Case, March, 13, 2007.

There is No Need to be “Trip”ed by Patents, March 14, 2007.

Para IV Filings: The Fight Continues, August 2007.

  • کلمات کلیدی : IP figures
  • نوشته شده در  شنبه 87/3/11ساعت  10:25 عصر  توسط مهدی معلی 
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